Delphi/400 is an excellent solution for modernizing IBM i applications. More than 1000 customers worldwide use our product!
Delphi/400 is all the power of Delphi marketed by Embarcadero plus native access to all the objects and services of your IBM i!
Delphi/400 gives you all the power of Delphi plus all native access to your IBM i and AS/400 databases, system objects, programs and more…
NEW with recent versions of Delphi (Berlin, Sydney …): you can create native mobile apps for iOS and Android..
Delphi/400 is the smart and efficient way to modernize your IBM i applications, so you can reduce end-users’ learning curve and make them more productive with fewer errors.
Use VCL for the Web in Delphi/400 to build interactive AJAX-enabled Web interfaces to your IBM i data and programs in record time and with minimal coding.
Delphi/400 is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) solution used to create applications for WIndows Servers, .NET and for your IBM i.
Visual Components (VCL) and VCL for the Web
Access to Oracle, SQLServer, DB2 / 400 databases, etc.
Components for accessing IBM i objects and services
Supports all versions of OS / 400 and I5 / OS
“Debug” mode for debugging programs
Backup and recovery of any IFS file
5250 emulator as a programmable component
Spools management
Native Firedac driver to interface your IBM i to a large library of universal data access components.
From recent versions of Delphi / 400, create native applications for iOS and Android.
Support and Maintenance contract to follow all the evolutions of Delphi proposed by Embarcadero.
Delphi / 400 is certified by IBM and listed in the IBM Global Solutions Directory.
Trial version available by contacting us.
Some references among our 1,000 clients
